Monthly Breathing Circles

I run monthly breathing groups in Checkley (stoke on Trent). Sessions are often co-facilitated by a colleague.

Breathing Circles are a great way to experience conscious connected breathing in a safe a supportive group environment.

Circles usually have a mix of new and experienced breathers and there is a grounding meditation at the start, followed by a share. 

A full breathing cycle follows the initial share from all group participants. The breathing cycle lasts 45 minutes to an hour and is supported by music. Participants can have emotional, physical and sometimes spiritual experiences and as an experienced facilitator I will support when this is wanted and needed.

Following the breathing cycle and a phase of integration there is a second space to share. Anything that came up during your breathe can be expressed in this space.

If you are new to Breathwork, conscious connected breathing will be demonstrated before the breathing cycle commences.

Contra-indications for Breathwork are as follows. Please contact me to discuss any of these health conditions and how they are managed/severity for you:

High blood pressure (not medicated),recent surgery, untreated thyroid conditions, diabetes, history of seizures, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, recent psychotic episode (12months).

Detached retina, cardiovascular disease, previous strokes/heart attacks, glaucoma, aneurism in the brain or abdomen, kidney disease, severe asthma, epilepsy.

Dates for breathing circles will be published on social media. Click here for my Facebook page


Dates for Checkley Breathing Circle through 2025 are as follows:

Feb 9th, March 2nd, April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, Aug 3rd, Sep 7th, Oct 5th, Nov 2nd, Dec 7th.

All groups run 10am to 12:30pm


Breathing Circles are £25 per person and you can pay to secure your place below.